EVS v Transylvánii-nabídka

Green Sun Association is searching for volunteers for an EVS project in Targu Secuiesc, Transylvania, Romania. This project will be submitted in October 2017 and the voluntary stage will start in 4 of May 2018. We need volunteers from various countries and the stage will last for 12 months.

EVS is a unique opportunity for young people to enrich their inter-cultural experience of being a European citizen – making friends from many countries and having a memorable opportunity to contribute to the lives of others! The venues of their activities will be in the small town of Targu Secuiesc. Have in mind that the activities of the project can be adapted also according to your proposals if they fit whit the project objectives and they are feasible to do in this region. This project is coordinated by Green Sun Association with more than 6 years of experience in coordinating EVS projects.

Dates of the stage: 4 of May 2018 – 30 of April 2019 (12 months)

More information about this: http://zoldnap.info/…s-volunteers